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You Need Not Wear Another Single Thing!

Friday, May 23, 2014

 "Bon Ton Lingerie Plastique and your frock - that's all!" 
"...does away with overlapping thickness of vest, girdle, brassiere, pantie or bloomer."
 No boning this must have been pretty daring. And not too popular since I can't find any other references for the name 'Plastique'. But maybe some of that was the cost. $12.50 in 1929 is about $168.00 today, a bit pricey.  
Found in McCall's Magazine, October, 1929. 

Let's Laugh at the Men

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Granted, this is low hanging fruit, everybody in 1972 looked pretty bad. But the poor guys got the worse of it. Especially if they were shopping from the Montgomery Ward catalog for Spring/Summer. Of course that begs the question...who shopped from a Montgomery Ward catalog anyway? But somebody did. And some guys looked like this. 

Summer Fashion 1945!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

It may still be snowing at your house, but we can all look forward to summer. The Montgomery Ward Spring/Summer Catalog for 1945 has some suggestions. What's your favorite? 

The Duchess of Windsor's Sewing Patterns

Monday, May 12, 2014

When Wallis Simpson wasn't busy being one of the most glamorous women in the world she found time to design sewing patterns for the Spadea Pattern Company. "I've done two or three hundred patterns so far and I love doing them, says the Duchess. I usually take my ideas from the clothes I wish I could wear - so as not to put every other woman in high round necks and the severe lines I insist on for myself." (The Windsor Style by Suzy Menkes)
If the Spadea pattern company had two or three hundred of her designs they aren't easy to find today. I have had a few, but these images are from the Vintage Pattern Wiki

A Look At The Duchess Of Windsor

Saturday, May 10, 2014

I just got a copy of The Windsor Style by Suzy Menkes. It's a fascinating book about a level of high life that none of us will ever see. The home furnishings, the art, the food and of course the fashion. There is no disputing how influential Wallis Simpson was in setting fashion trends, both in her dress and her jewels. Her whole life was glamorous, from her embroidered lingerie to her world famous jewelry. But here are some of her chic clothing choices.
"The Duchess of Windsor in the square-shouldered 1940's silhouette..."
"Wallis's severely plain crepe dress decorated with bows is by Mainbocher."
"Wallis using the chic bag as the essential 1940s accessory to trimly tailored suits."
"Wallis in Schiaparelli's carbon blue silk jersey dress and jacket embroidered with baroque gilded scrolls, photographed by Beaton at the Chateau de Cande on the Loire just before her marriage."

"The Duchess photographed by Horst in 1947 in a Scarlett O'Hara dress by Mainbocher. The austere high neck is balanced by the panniered taffeta skirt built out over an elaborate crinoline."

Four Stylish Tailored Suits from 1927

Thursday, May 1, 2014

From the 1927 edition of the Woman's Institute Library of Dressmaking - Tailored Garments we get a look at some tailored suits of the era. I love the little subtle details that send exactly the right message. 
The Basic Tailored Suit
"The coat is cut with a panel effect front and back and with the seam-line joining accentuated by stitching. Such a plan makes the coat perfectly becoming to the full figure; but by the use of a flared effect below the waistline, when such is in vogue, it may be made suitable for the sender type also. The mannish notched collar and the close fitting sleeves are appropriate details."
The Boyish Tailleur
"A youthful style, varying little in outward appearance from its severely tailored sister, is the boyish tailleur or tailored suit...The coat does not lap but is held together by link buttons. The mannish notched collar has a certain appeal, while bound pockets add a trimming note quite in keeping with the general effect. The outfit is completed by a two-piece skirt of becoming length and width."
The Three Piece Suit
"...a suit consisting of a dress having the blouse portion of silk and the skirt of cloth, and a coat of the same fabric as the skirt. The coat is unusual in cut, and so constructed that the seam lines are made a decoration further emphasized by the unusual pockets and trimmings. The wide sleeves and slightly surplice lines of the coat are other interesting details."
The Suit Dress
"In these days of one-piece dresses and a desire for unbroken length of line, many business women prefer to wear the coat of a suit throughout the entire day, feeling that their appearance in a separate skirt and blouse is not so attractive as they would wish. Such a plan is throughly satisfactory, because there is a certain trimness about a tailored suit that cannot be expressed by any other garment."

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