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McCall's Magazine -1964 - Patterns for Miss America

Thursday, June 30, 2011

"chosen to catch a gentleman's eye..."

Lovely Donna Axum, of Arkansas, Miss America of 1964, is currently touring the country, modeling an Everfast wardrobe made from McCall's patterns. Here we show you four chosen to catch a gentleman's eye in every corner of the nation. Above: Donna wears a shirt dress in a brown-and-white,print, with crisp collar and cuffs. McCall's pattern 7183. Sewing tip: When interfacing collar and cuffs, trim edges of interfacing close to stitching line, to avoid bulk.

Miss America's knowledgeable choice for Magnolialand is a bold print interpreted in a lovely, long evening gown with, a low V neckline front and back. The raised waist is defined with black grosgrain ribbon garnished with a huge yellow flower. McCall's pattern 7195. Sewing tip: To add sweep to a long skirt, underline it with a lightweight shaping material. Use skirt pattern to cut dress fabric and underlining; then seam, treating the two fabrics as though they were one.

For the Ivy League or Madison Avenue circuit, Miss America's eye-catching orange-and-white print, in a blend of Kodel and cotton, has a becoming low, rounded neckline, big sleeves banded just below the elbow, wide waist-cinching self belt, and a full, full skirt. McCall's Easy-To-Sew pattern 7186. Sewing tip: To guarantee sure-to-hold, even gathers for a full skirt, wind bobbin with buttonhole twist or heavy-duty thread, and machine-baste in a double row at the waistline.

A marvelous murky stripe-and-print design in a dress with a low-waisted silhouette, very fashionable this season; a neckline high and square in front, dipping to a low V in back. McCall's pattern 7192. Sewing tip: To make the most effective and dramatic use of striped fabric, match stripes at seams, and plan fabric cutting so that the lower edge of the stripe falls at bottom of bodice and skirt. All fabrics in Miss America's wardrobe are by Everfast with Everglaze easy care.

Radio Stars Magazine -1931 -How Beauty and Romance Came to Nancy...and May and Jane!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We have the saga of Nancy, but both of these other two gals are having issues with Jack...who is two-timing them!

Radio Stars Magazine -1931 - Still...it's her Eyes...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Still...it's her Eyes that make her so completely...so irresistibly...so ravishingly fascinating.

"Lovely figure, beautifully gowned...poise and style...yet, withal, just another mannequin unless her eyes express the fascinating charm of her own unique personality.
She knows well how important is the appearance of dark lashes, delicately shaded lids, and graceful eyebrows, to bring out all the alluring beauty and depth of expression in her eyes. Like five million other clever women, she achieves this natural appearing loveliness quickly and easily with the famous Maybelline eye beauty aids.
Don't let pale, scanty lashes, blank-looking eyelids, and scraggly brows rob you of the glamorous beauty that can be so easily yours with these exquisite yet inexpensive Maybelline preparations.
A few simple brush strokes of Maybelline Eyelash Darkener will instantly transform your lashes into the appearance of long, dark, luxuriant fringe. Tear-proof, non-smarting, and absolutely harmless, it keeps the lashes soft and silky. Delicately shade your eyelids with Maybelline Eye Shadow and see how the color of your eyes is deepened and intensified. Form lovely, expressive eyebrows with the smooth marking Maybelline Eyebrow Pencil. Now behold ...! Your eyes have become twin pools of alluring beauty, expressing your every mood with irresistible charm.
Encourage the natural growth of your lashes by applying Maybelline Eyelash Grower nightly before retiring. Stimulating and beneficial, it is, like all the Maybelline eye beauty aids, absolutely pure and harmless, Try these four effective aids to eye beauty today, They are obtainable in purse sizes at all leading 10¢ stores."

Radio Stars Magazine -1931 - Fashion Parade - Harriet Hilliard, Alice Faye

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fashion Parade Arranged by Helen Hover

Smart clothes make smart women and vice versa.
1. Just glance of Harriet Hilliard in this charming block velvet Sunday night gown. Note the simple clinging lines (to emphasize all its dramatic allure) and the little puff sleeves and high neckline. The picture hat is just the thing to bring out all the glamour in this outfit.
2. Her black ski suit is very boyish-from the double-breasted jacket to the bright yellow turtleneck roll on the sweater.
3. How those boyish styles do bring out all the femininity in the gal! Do you wonder at her nonchalance in these smart aquamarine velvet lounging pajamas?
4. Observe this black satin evening gown that Harriet is enhancing with that figure. Fits very snugly and is enlivened by silver fox epaulettes.
5. Alice Faye shows you why the Mandarin pajama suit is so popular. The jacket is vivid lacquer red. Black satin trousers add the final intriguing note.
6. The little red ski suit is adopted from the styles of the Tyrolian mountain climbers. Notice the smart white laces and flat collar.
7. Alice's black satin and net evening gown has that sleek poured-into look that outlines the natural contour of her figure to the knees, then strikingly flares out into graceful widths of net.
8. The black wool jacket of this natty sport suit has a swagger flare and is just finger-tip length. The sporty black and white checks of the skirt are repeated in the perky ascot.

Radio Stars Magazine -1931 - Mae West and the Radio Jinx

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The article inside the magazine refers to the jinx...the idea is that other movie stars hadn't done well in Radio, but they expect that Mae would do fine so long as she passed the censors. She did work in radio, a few sketches in 1937, (Edgar Bergen's radio show), but there were issues with censors and she ended up being banned from Radio.
But Ms. West did OK without radio, she had a fabulous career.

Today's Housewife - 1927 -Applique and Embroidery Trims the Newest Drapery

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Frankly I haven't ever put this much effort into my drapes, but the effect is pretty wonderful, maybe I need to get busy embroidering!
(Click twice for details)

Today's Housewife - 1927 -The New Hamilton Catalogue!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The New Hamilton Catalogue Brings Fifth Avenue's Smartest Styles to You! "Hamilton customers are enabled to dress better at lower cost..."

Today's Housewife - 1927 - Smart Fall Frocks + Slender Lines in Smart Styles

Monday, June 20, 2011

Looking closely at these frocks from 1927 it seems they had figured out something...no waistlines meant no corsets, lacing or uncomfortable bras either. I think they may have been on to something!

514-Suggests Two-Piece Mode. Cuts in 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 bust. 36 bust requires 4 vards of 36-inch material with 3/8 yard of 40-inch contrasting.

490-One-Piece Dress., Cuts in 16 vears, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 bust. 36 bust requires 2 7/8 yards of 40-inch material with 3/4 yard of 32- inch contrasting.

469-Youthful design. Cuts in 16, 36, 38, 40 and 42 bust require 2 5/8 yards of 40 inch material with 2 yards of contrasting.

238 Smart Lines. Cuts in 14, 16 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 bust. 36 bust requires 3 1/8 yards of material.

465 Smart All-Occasion Frock. Cuts in 16 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 bust. 36 bust requires 2 3/4 yards of 54-inch material with 1/8 yard of 40-inch contrasting.

252-One-Piece with inverted Plaits. Cuts in 16 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 bust. 36 bust requires 2 3/4 of 54-inch material with 5/8 yard of 36-inch contrasting.

3N58 - Smart, beautifully designed dress of Canton crepe, with inverted plaits stitched part way from the shoulders, and held flat with buttons at the waistline. These plaits open below. Vestee of contrasting color, Canton crepe with silk fagoting, Comes in black or navy blue, with pencil blue trimmings, or dark brown with tan. Sizes 36 to 58 bust; length 50 inches. Postage 14 cents extra price $16.95.

SN38-This attractive morning dress made of fine quality percale, trimmed with solid color linene, matching in color, which forms the slenderizing center-front panel, narrowing at the skirt. This dress comes in blue, lavender and tan. Sizes 36 to 58 bust, length about 52 inches. Postage 5 cents extra; price $1.00.

17NI16-Satisfactory brassiere of flesh-pink brocade, closing invisibly on the left side, with side inserts of elastic webbing to hold it securely over the upper edge of the corset. The bodice top is shaped slightly to fit more easily over the bust. Sizes 38 to 58 bust. Postage 2 cents extra; price 98 cents.

5N40 -When one's housekeeping interests make a dark morning dress a necessity, nothing is so becoming as sturdy Indigo percale in dark blue, with white or gold dots, with bias trimming bands, like design 5N40 on the right. Sizes 36 to 58 bust measure; length 52 inches, Postage 5 cents extra; price $1.19.

Moon, So Round and Yellow

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wasn't it pretty tonight?

'cause i'm in shoo-shoo-shoo sugar town

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


i am so inspired by this collection! here are just a few of my favorites.




view the rest of the looks@ iheartwildfox

McCall's Magazine - 1907 - Jackets (and Skirts) That Will Be Fashionable This Season

Saturday, June 11, 2011

"There is great variety in the outdoor wraps for the coming season. All figures are suited, and if a woman cannot get a becoming jacket this fall, the fault is her own as she has no lack of styles from which to choose."

McCall's Magazine - 1907 - Two Gowns - Wool and Silk

Friday, June 10, 2011

"A Smart Gown of Striped Woolen and One of Silk"

And don't miss the accessories.

McCall's Magazine 1907 "The Queen of Fashion"

Thursday, June 9, 2011

This wonderful McCall's Magazine will show us lots about life in 1907. The skirts, the waists of course, but don't miss the hair, the figures and what was considered beautiful.

More to come this week.

NYLON JUNE/JULY MUSIC ISSUE: Fashion News, stylist's assistant

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

and on the FASHION side, i was lucky enough to assist stylist Christina Saratsis with putting together the wardrobe for Fashion News: 2 models, 8 stories, 10 outfits, a 12-hour day of shooting in Brooklyn, and a final 8-page spread in the June/July issue.

I had the best time assisting, but my favorite part of all this is...that I get credited in very very small print at the bottom of every page.

tiny victories :)

1. PATTERN PLAY: Catarina Gatta's iconic prints
2. GOTTA HAVE SHADE: Ray Ban's new double-take on the classic aviator
3. WILD CHILD: do-good dresses by Autumn Adeigbo

4. WORK IT OUT: Dr. Martin's first clothing collection

5. DRESS YOU UP: A conversation with the new face of Material Girl (Madonna's daughter's line), Kelly Osbourne
6. SHOE-IN: blinded by Verlain brogues

7. Jeans of the Month - McQ: low-rise is on the rise...again!
8. CARVEN (I forgot to pull the PDF of the actual page from the mag, but the behind-scenes photo will suffice): the revival of an old, beloved brand.

stylist's assistant: anna tran.

[behind the scenes]

model in mcqueen
clothed by Carven
the team!

pick up the newest issue of NYLON to see these beautiful babies up close and personal.
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