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Sunday, August 29, 2010

I recently started obsessing over the new HERMéS blog -- J'AIME MON CARRé (I LOVE MY SCARF).
A way to take the classique Hermés scarf out into the younger masses, this little media stunt is a beacon of inspiration on how to wear the ubiquitous scarf -- and beautifully demonstrated by gorgeous girls from LONDON, PARIS, NEW YORK, & TOKYO. click around and get some ideas; and if you're confused on how each scarf was knotted, there's the CARTES á NOUER (KNOTTING CARDS) that illustrate step-by-step on exactly how to achieve the look. 

totally inspired -- I shall now dig through my mum's Hermés scarf archive and try out some of these knots.

have fun! 

via jaimemoncarre

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