this could have easily been five separate posts...but i decided to save me some time (quite lazy, i know) and squish everything together in what i would like to call "FRIDAY'S FASHION FOR THOUGHT": a compilation of inspiring/beautiful photos|clothes|knickknacks|whatevers to plant seeds of happiness for the rest of the weekend. let's see how this goes...

matthew morrison aka the lovable, and sometimes kinda embarrassing mr. schuester from GLEE! (my happiness on tuesday evenings) & Raq Z. starring in "TWO IF BY SEA",
Vogue 06/10.

nicole fox. i shall dub her
petite rouge. after 27? seasons of ANTM, they
finally got one right. in a photoshoot by photog
kathryna hancock. 
jil.sander.wedges. my eyes were dilating when i saw these babies on
Susie Bubble. you lucky girl!!! it's a wonder how shoes can make one so inconceivably happy.

it's spring/summertime! instead of driving around, take out the old cruiser...or maybe dress up in really cute retro outfits & have a little photoshoot by the beach standing on/around the old cruiser. bruna tenorio in
H&M's summer'10 catalogue.

and finally, let's start off the weekend on a positive note. you are what you say you are!
happy friday!
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